The universal norm as an ethical standard

Who or what is considered crazy or normal? These are the questions that can only be answered if there is a universal ethical standard that could be recognized as such by all those who can think and feel. Does it even exist? And if "yes", could it then be recognized by us, who cannot understand everything intellectually? Or are we even condemned to never find it and thus never to be able to look at our behaviours in our daily life from a higher point of view which would quickly make it possible - even as fast as a lightening - to be regarded as contrary to the universal norm and even could be omitted if driven by a distinguished urge to do so.

While reading this book readers are taken on a discovery journey towards the "universal norm". If successful, it must be fairly easy to distinguish "normal" from "crazy" in all human realms. Some of these areas are scrutinized a little bit in this book. In the light of the "univeral norm" even something could be recognized as "normal" which has been classified up to now as "crazy" or vice versa. In any case, these explanations will not serve to moralize but rather to normalize. Perhaps here and there approaches are discovered for an ethic which would be more modern and in the respect of the universal norm.

Unfortunately, this book only exists in German under the title "Was ist verrückt? Was ist normal?"